Frequently Asked Questions

What details will I get on my phone report?

Whenever the information is available, your full phone report will include:

  • Owner name
  • Owner address
  • Phone location
  • Phone company
  • Phone carrier
  • Line type

You will also have the option of performing further searches such as:

  • Criminal records searches
  • Background checks
  • Relatives and neighbors
  • and more...

Why Do I Need To Do A Reverse Phone Search?

A reverse phone search is used by people from all walks of life for different purposes including, but not limited to:

  • If you have been receiving nuisance calls you can discover exactly who is making these calls to your number.
  • Lots of missed calls on your phone from the same number but no idea who they are from? It might be important and with a reverse phone lookup you can find out who they were from.
  • With a monthly or yearly membership you get unlimited phone and people searches allowing you to find long lost friends or relatives, address history and more...

These are just a few examples of how you can benefit from a reverse phone lookup.

What Numbers Can I Do A Reverse Phone Lookup For?

Reverse Phone Lookup searches millions of US landline, cell phone and unlisted numbers. You can not currently search for international numbers.

What Can I Do With The Information I Find?

You can print off any information you retrieve from our comprehensive database including maps and other details. None of the information retrieved can be used for illegal purposes or nuisance calls including telemarketing.

Are My Searches Confidential?

Yes. We do not pass your details of your searches onto any third parties, please read our privacy policy

Can I Remove My Details From

You can of course choose to opt-out of reverse phone lookup by completing the opt-out form here. You also have the option of ordering the Privacy Option on the registration form to get details of how to get your information removed from other data sources.

How many searches does membership include?

  • - If you select a yearly membership you can carry out unlimited Reverse Phone Lookups, for a full 12 months, on landline and listed numbers. You also get five advanced trace credits for cellphone and unlisted number lookups free of charge.
  • - A monthly membership will also give you unlimited access for a full 30 days to search landlines and listed numbers. You also get 3 advanced trace credits for cellphone and unlisted number lookups free of charge.
  • - A full phone report is a one-off Reverse Phone Lookup for a single number

Where do I login to the members area?

You will find the link to login to the members area at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the login page that asks for your user name and password. If you forget your password simply click on the ´Lost Your Password´ link to have your password emailed to you.

Are the membership fees recurring?

None of the membership levels will incur recurring billing. There is a one-time fee which will only be charged when you register. Once your membership has expired, you will need to manually renew it.

What Happens If You Don´t Have The Phone Record I Am Looking For?

In the unlikely event that you are unable to locate the record that you need, our staff will help to locate the record for you free of charge.

What payment methods do you accept?

There are a wide range of payment options including: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Eurocard, Bravo, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, and JCB and PayPal. Cash and check payments are not accepted.

Will my purchase be secure?

The payments processor used is Clickbank which is an internationally recognized and trusted online retailer using the highest level of security to protect your purchase. All payments will appear as CLKBANK on your credit card or bank statement.

How Can I Contact

Simply complete the Contact Us Form and one of customer service representatives will respond to your query as soon as possible.